NTU is partnering with SUN PATH and WICHE ICE. This opportunity provides quality online course sharing that ensures our students access a variety of online courses to help them stay on track to graduate. The partnership offers NTU access to the many Higher Learning online courses within the State of New Mexico and the region. Vice-versa, other Universities and Colleges would be able to enroll in our online courses. This helps with articulation and course sharing, which will help in cost savings, and ensuring our students graduate on time. All SUN ONLINE courses are Quality Matters (QM) certified which means NTU plans to offer QM certified courses as well. This is a huge advantage and opportunity for NTU.

SUN PATH is a consortium of New Mexico public colleges sharing quality online courses to ensure that students have access to a variety of courses, certificates, and degree programs. We are dedicated to excellence in online learning and professional development for faculty who teach online and committed to increasing access to quality online education for students across New Mexico.

WICHE ICE enables students, through their home institutions, to seamlessly access high quality online courses and programs offered by other four-year and two-year ICE member institutions. The collaborative model fosters faculty engagement, resource sharing, and innovation.
NEW MEXICO SUN ONLINE powered by WICHE ICE: Online Course Sharing System
SUN Online is a coursesharing statewide system that provides New Mexico students, from participating colleges and universities, to have greater access to quality online courses and programs across the state.
Through this system students have the opportunity to take classes from other institutions in the state that articulate their programs of study, while remaining enrolled in their home institution.
Colleges benefit with less duplication of courses, resources and programs and employers benefit with increased responsiveness and reduced time-to-market for local and regional training needs.
An online course catalogue with all courses shared by participating institutions can be accessed at http://www.wiche-ice.org.
For more information contact Coleen Arviso at ccarviso@navajotech.edu.