Tom Bebo
Assistant Master Technical Instructor of Carpentry Trades
Email: tbebo@navajotech.edu
Phone: 505.387.7398
Certificate of Completion, Carpentry Apprenticeship, State of Arizona
College Teaching Certificate, Arizona

Sheila Begay
Technical Instructor of Baking
Email: sheilabegay@navajotech.edu@navajotech.edu
A.A.S., Culinary Arts & Professional Baking, Navajo Technical University

Lorencita Billiman
Technical Instructor of Culinary Arts
Email: lbilliman@navajotech.edu
Phone: 505.609.5016

Verna Casamero
Technical Instructor of Commericial Driver's License and Heavy Equipment Operator
Email: v.casamero@navajotech.edu

Walter Cloud
Technical Instructor of Pastry and Confections
Email: wcloud@navajotech.edu
A.A.S., Culinary Arts & Professional Baking, Navajo Technical University
Certified Sous Chef, Working Pastry Chef, American Culinary Federation

Virgil T. House
Assistant Master Technical Instructor of Electrical Trades / Chair for School of Applied Technology
Email: vhouse@navajotech.edu
Phone: 505.387.7405
Journey Wireman License #07946, Classification: EE98J
A.A.S., Electrical Technology, New Mexico Highlands University
Certificate, Inside Wireman, Phoenix Electric JA&TC, US Dept. of Labor

Melvina Jones
Technical Instructor of Professional Baking
Email: mjones@navajotech.edu
Phone: 505.387.7449
A.A.S., Culinary Arts, Navajo Technical University
Certified Working Pastry Chef American Culinary Federation

Jerrison Jumbo
Technical Instructor of Commericial Driver's License and Heavy Equipment Operator
Email: jjumbo@navajotech.edu

Darrick Lee
Technical Instructor of Energy Systems
Email: dlee@navajotech.edu

Jones Lee
Associate Master Technical Instructor of Carpentry Trades
Email: jlee@navajotech.edu
B.A., Liberal Arts in Education, Fort Lewis College

Christopher Storer
Technical Instructor of Welding Trades
Email: cstorer@navajotech.edu
Phone: 505.387.7399

Brian Tatsukawa
Assistant Master Technical Instructor of Culinary Arts
Email: btatsukawa@navajotech.edu
Phone: 505.387.7413
Certified Executive Chef, American Culinary Federation
B.A., Occupational Studies, Le Cordon Bleu College of Culinary Arts

Robert Witte
Master Technical Instructor / Culinary Arts, Hospitality, and Food Services Coordinator
Email: rwitte@navajotech.edu
Phone: 505.387.7384
Certified Executive Chef, American Culinary Federation
Certified Culinary Administrator
Member of the American Academy of Chefs

Collins Woody
Technical Instructor of Commercial Driver's License and Heavy Equipment Operator
Email: cwoody@navajotech.edu
Phone: 505.387.7456

Vernon Upshaw
Automotive Instructor
Email: vupshaw@navajotech.edu