CROWNPOINT, NM - On March 16, 2022, Tribal College Journal (TCJ) notified our very own Navajo Technical University (NTU) creative writing student Ronnie Largo that his entry entitled “Poetry” was selected as a winner of the 2022 TCJ student Creative Writing competition. As a result, he will be featured in the 2022 spring edition of TCJ publication and on its website at www.tcjstudent.org.
“It was an unexpected surprise, I feel happy that my poem was selected,” said Ronnie Largo, NTU Student describing his experience. “I couldn’t have done this without the encouragement from my instructor, Anita Roastingear, and my poem took off.”
Ronnie Largo, a Marine Corps veteran, is from Thoreau, NM, and is currently enrolled as a full-time student in the Bachelor of Fine Arts degree program in Creative Writing and New Media at NTU.
Every year, the TCJ holds contests in student writing, art, and film. All tribal colleges and universities (TCUs) can enter their students in these various competitions and the winners then get the opportunity to be featured in the TCJ print and online publication.
Anita Roastingear, MFA, is the Associate Professor for the Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in Creative Writing and New Media. According to Roastingear, “Our program is one of the many programs offered by Navajo Technical University, and the program provides the knowledge and skills needed to secure gainful employment in a digital environment, to publish and market creative works online, or simply to function as a full participant in this new digital age.”
For more information about the Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in Creative Writing and New Media, contact Anita Roastingear, MFA, Associate Professor at aroastingear@navajotech.edu