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Navajo Technical University
Lowerpoint Road, State Hwy 371
Crownpoint NM 87313

Phone: 505.387.7401
Fax: 505.786.5644


Chinle Instructional Site
PO Box 849, Chinle AZ, 86503
Phone: 928.674.5764
Fax: 928.674.5700


Teec Nos Pos Instructional Site
PO Box 1203, Teec Nos Pos, AZ 86514
Phone: 928.656.3600
Fax: 928.656.3596


Kirtland Instructional Site
40 Road 6580, Kirtland, NM 87417
Phone: 505.609.5020/5017


Zuni Instructional Site
67 301 North, Zuni, NM 87327
Phone: 505.782.6010

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ALBUQUERQUE, NM – Ten Navajo Technical University students will be traveling to Louisville, KY in June to compete in the SkillsUSA national conference after winning gold medals at the SkillsUSA state competition at Central New Mexico Community College, April 4-6. In total, NTU was awarded 25 medals across 18 competitions, while testing their vocational and job competencies against industry standards.

BakingCompetition 1
Culinary Arts major Kevin Harding prepares his work station at the SkillsUSA baking competition held at Central New Mexico Community College. Harding placed 2nd in the competition, while classmate Shawn Curley placed 3rd.

The ten students qualifying for nationals by earning a gold medal were: Mark Louie Francisco for Restaurant Service; Jenelle King for Job Skill Demonstration; Marell Charley for Extemporaneous Speech; Linda Todicheeney for Early Childhood Education; Walter Francis, Darian Edsitty, Kalem Vandever, and Nillson Wood for Teamworks; and the team of Shane Tsosie and Adriane Tenequer for Additive Manufacturing.

Earning silver medals for NTU included: Dexter Dale for Culinary Arts; Mikalya Sam for Restaurant Service; Kevin Harding for Baking; Sheila Begay for Job Skill Demonstration; Nicole Shult for Prepared Speech; Eric Holiday for Job Interview; Marcie Vandever and Eric Bailey for Additive Manufacturing; and the team of Wyatt Tsosie, Derrick Chavez, and Santiago Benny for Welding Fabrication. Silver medalists serve as alternates for the national conference and can fill in for a gold medalist under certain circumstances, such as a competitor not being able to compete.

Teamworks 1
Teamworks crew poses for a photo after receiving gold medals at the SkillsUSA state competition. The Teamworks competition had the students build a structure using their carpentry, electrical, plumbing and masonry skills. Pictured (l-r): Darian Edsitty, Walter Francis, Kalem Vandever, and Nillson Wood.

NTU received four bronze medals at the state competition as well. Construction Technology major Cyrus Coan placed 3rd in cabinetmaking, while Culinary Arts major Shawn Curley placed 3rd in two categories, Baking and Job Skill Demonstration. Aaron John also received a bronze medal in the Job Interview category.

SkillsUSA is a partnership of students, teachers and industry working together to ensure America has a skilled workforce. More than 360,000 students and instructors participate in SkillsUSA nation-wide at both secondary and post-secondary schools. In addition to events and competitions, SkillsUSA provides educational programs that support career and technical education in the classroom.

Embrace 1
Baking students Lorena Geisbrecht and Dexter Dale share a hug after Dale received a silver medal in the Culinary Arts competition. Dale will serve as an alternate for the SkillsUSA national competition representing the state of New Mexico.

For more information about NTU’s participation in SkillsUSA, please contact Julie Bales at jbales@navajotech.edu.

Contact NTU

Navajo Technical University
Lowerpoint Road, State Hwy 371
Crownpoint, NM 87313

Phone: 505.387.7401
Fax: 505.786.5644

Chinle Instructional Site
PO Box 849, Chinle, AZ 86503

Phone: 928.674.5764
Fax: 928.674.5700

Teec Nos Pos Instructional Site
PO Box 848, Teec Nos Pos, AZ 86514

Phone: 928.656.3600
Fax: 928.656.3596

Kirtland Instructional Site
40 Road 6580
Kirtland, NM 87417
(505) 609-5020/5017
(Located off of Highway 64 next to Judy Nelson Elementary School in Kirtland, NM)

Zuni Instructional Site
67 301 North, Zuni, NM 87327

Phone: 505.782.6010




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